Sunday, October 10, 2021


The dogs that live next door to me hooked up and produced offspring. 

It was their owners idea to allow them to do so. They were curious to see what would come out of the combo. 

Soon, they were elated with the joy that puppies bring to life. The tiny little things nursing on mommy's engorged ninnies while the proud daddy watched from afar. There were four of them, 3 girls, and 1 boy.

Before long, the pitter patter of 16 little feet filled the home with love and laughter as the bundles of energy progressed in age...

They reached the point when it was time to eat real puppy chow giving mom some much needed relief...

But with solid food going in, solid  pooh started coming out. It was no longer moms job to clean up after the fabulous 4, it became the job of the people who live next door. You remember, the ones who wanted to see the combo produced by the 2 dogs the already owned.

I have to admit, the puppies are quite adorable. The mother is full on Chihuahua. She is tan in color, quite small with a very large attitude. Her name is Gracie Lynn. Gracie Lynn loves to Express herself. Over and over again her "tiny" bark fills the neighborhood with anxiety and frustration. 

The daddy is "Chico". He is a very small dog with a unique mixture of what I had guessed to be Terrier and something else. Chico has had it out for me since day one...he is small, but his size allows him the advantage of surprise. He sneaks up on his unsuspecting victim and bites them on the back of their ankles! My ankles are Chicos favorite past time. As little as he is, he has me running scared as I exit the house next door.

The "combo" of the 2, and the offspring they produced, has led me to change my opinion on Chico's heritage. The one and only little boy they produced was the largest of the four. He was long haired and fluffy with the exception of his face and feet. They were short haired. His coloring, tan with white markings and his short little legs and big stand up ears resembled those of a Corgi. A Corgi! Part of the puzzle of Chico and his distant relatives revealed!

2 of the 3 girl puppies were tan with short hair. No surprise there. 1 of the 2 looked just like her mom. A carbon copy of Gracie Lynn. The 2nd of the two looked much like her mom, but also had a "scruffy", Terrier look about her, and a "lazy" ear like her dad.

Number 3 of the 3 girls had long hair...long CURLY hair.  While the other 3 were predominately tan in color, number 4 was BLACK with brown markings. She looked exactly like a Yorkie! Another piece added to the puzzle of Chico...

Soon it was obvious that my neighbors were going to have a difficult time parting with their new found family members. They knew they wanted to keep one of the puppies, but they weren't sure which one. When the pups reached 10 weeks old, it was obvious that an outsider needed to step in and find good homes for 3 of the puppies...Having placed both puppies and kittens in homes on several occasions (none of them pets are spayed and neutered), I volunteered for the task right about the time that the little "Gracie Lynn" look alike girl was being whisked away by a new owner... that left only 2 puppies needing homes. Which 2 was still undecided.

The following day, little Gracie Lynn came back home. It just wasnt working out with her new owners...

Back at square one, I decided to force the issue at hand. At 10 weeks old, the pups were cute and cuddly.  They needed to find their "forever " homes before they reach "teenager-dom". With some prodding it was decided that my neighbors would keep "Rosie", the girl Yorkie look alike.

I assumed responsibility for the male, "Corgi" and the female, "Chihuerrier" mix (Terri-uahua?).

With listings on facebook and Craigslist, it wasn't long before a long time friend contacted me with questions about the girl. It was obvious that my friend was in love with her, and I was very happy becuz there was no better home out there anywhere, than my friends home. It was a perfect placement for any puppy.

The inquiries about the boy were off the wall! One after another messege came in claiming "I'm first!! He is mine!! When can I pick him up?" And "My mom says I can have him if I keep my room clean".

 I can only wonder what the fate of her puppy would be if she neglected to clean her room! Would mom confiscate him and banish him from the house? Would she take out her frustrations with her daughters untidiness on the puppy?

I shuttered at the remotest possibly that I would place the sweet little bundle of fur under the conditions and expectations of a child!! No way!!

As it was, I found a wonderful same sex couple with whom I happily placed the boy pup. They already had a primped and doted over Yorkie girl for him to play with...perfect placement #2.

2 down, 1 to go and I went next door to pick up little"Gracie Lynn". I was alarmed to learn that the people who returned her, changed their minds again and came and took her away. 

Fickle people shouldn't even be allowed to look at pets!🙁

My friend who was adopting the girl informed me that she was going on vacation for a week. She asked me if I would hold on to her until they got back.

Of course I agreed. 

I have had "Susie q" as my guest for 3 days now. During which time, I have accomplished nothing. Nothing, that is, except playing with, sleeping with, road tripping with, and conversing with "Susie q". I gave her the name "Susie q" after the song...the lyrics I sing to her are... "Oh Susie q. OH Susie q. Oh Susie q BABY I LOVE YOU, Susie q".

My friend messaged me today. She wants to name her "Lucy".

What the heck?! What will she call her by when she means business? "Lucy lou"? "Lucy Ball"? "Lucy n Ethel"? OR "...and Ricky"?

She can't change my Susie q's name!!

I've taught her to come when I call her!

 I bought her a cute little harness and leash and I've been training her to walk in the garden dept. of Lowes with me.

She knows how to "stay" and "lay down" and she "Potties on the paper" 8 out of 10 times.

She sleeps all night curled up in my arm and wakes me in the morning with the sweetest kisses.

She chases her cute!!

I made her a sweater this afternoon as the days are getting shorter and cooler. I retrieved my portable electric heater from storage to keep her warm...

Only 2 days left with my Suzie q. My friend will be taking her to her new wonderful home in just 2 days.

All of the puppies are gone next door. My neighbors decided not to keep a puppy. They gave "Rosie" to a little girl who promised to keep her room clean...

1 more day till my friend picks up "Lolli". "Lolipop" when it really matters💖

I decided to change her name...

 "Suzie q" was my baby girl...

"Lollipop, Lollipop, oh Lolli, Lollipop...

My Lollipop"😢

I'm going to miss her soooooo much...

I had every intention of returning to this place and becoming a famous blogger. A blogger with billions of followers who wait impatiently for my next published words of wisdom.

 Alas, it's been quite some time since I first looked upon these "pages". I offered up the most entertaining morsels of wise words that I could muster before slipping off into my world of so so, hum drum, every day yuk yuk. 

It feels quite exhilarating to be back again. My thoughts are racing in my head and the English language is, once again, my friend. 

Now, I become a blogger. I will blog with the best bloggers, in true blogger fashion. You haven't begun to experience blogging until you follow me!! 

Isnt that what you do? You who are reading my words in hope of finding true "follow"?

Or do you subscribe? Subscribe so that you wont loose my location. Sign up on my blog because you love me? Because you find my blogging skills to be fascinating  ?

Maybe you would serve me best by doing all three..."follow" me, "subscribe" to my blog, and "like" me? Oh, did I forget to mention "liking" me? It's one of the 3 things you should be doing right now...

Monday, December 8, 2014

My best friend, and the source of my most colorful memories, has left this world...

Rest in Peace, Melvin.

Do I miss you immensely?

"Does a cat got an ass?!!"
                                                  ...from the mouth of Melvin

Monday, June 18, 2012

Why "Does a Cat Got an Ass?"?

You may be wondering how I came up with the title "Does a Cat Got an Ass?".  I first heard the expression about five years ago when I asked a new aquaintence, an 81 year old ex sailor, if he wanted a glass of iced tea. "Does a cat got an ass?", he replied.  I burst out laughing, hysterically.
Since then, I have gotten to know Melvin quite well. He's 86 now, but he still keeps me in stitches with the sayings and the stories he comes up with.
One day a mouse went running across the floor of his kitchen. I screamed, and Melvin opened one of the cupboard drawers. He pulled out a pack of bamboo skewers (the kind you use for shish kabobs)and proclaimed "a few more of those (mice), and some "Three Horse Beer" and we'll be eatin' good tonight".
On another occasion, I was helping him with a bit of cleaning around the house, and he stopped me in my tracks and said " why, you're as busy as a cat trying to take a shit on a tin roof!". Oh how I laughed at that one!!
Anyways... there are a whole lot more, but for lack of time, I need to end this now. I will, in the future, be sure and include more "from the mouth of Melvin", for your entertainment.